my oc world

Name: Casper
Age: 22
Gender: nonbinary transfem
Pronouns: they/them
Race: afro-indigenous


Casper is a very mellow and calm person who others often say they find soothing to be around. They like to take their time to think things through, and love to read and analyze books because of this. They're passionate about self expression through art, and love to learn about all mediums of it such as music, sculpting, painting, writing, and so on. It's difficult to truly phase them; they respond well under pressure and are very difficult to make angry or upset.


Casper is the oldest of three, and grew up with loving parents who always encouraged them to be themselves and to value art and expression. They loved literature growing up and were often buried in a book, and liked to help tutor their younger siblings when they struggled in school.

Gender was always a struggle for Casper - the balance of identity combined with expression became very confusing to them in their teen years, and they went through a lot of experimenting with fashion and identity. However, eventually they decided they could be transfem while still being nonbinary and presenting as androgynous, and that was the path they chose to take. Their parents were very supportive of them through their journey and they tried to teach their siblings the things they learned, especially regarding respect of others.

Going into college, Casper developed a love of scene and emo fashion + music, and often used it as a personal form of expression. They major in English and still have a deep love of books.

View their gallery here!